Build portfolios with your core, strategic and tactical strategies, plug in your prospects accounts & generate personalized proposals. It’s that simple.
Send us your models and some information about your contact at the asset manager and we will take it from here.Then, we'll work with the asset manager to create the strategies inside of StratiFi for you to use. Once the strategies have been created, we will help you compare risk, return, asset classifications, fees and more in a matter of seconds.
From there, utilize StratiFi's Risk Tolerance Questionnaire to understand your client's Tolerance & Financial Capacity for risk.After you've identified your client's Risk Tolerance, you'll want to analyze their existing portfolio to understand whether they're in line with their objectives. Simply upload your clients investment statements to the platform & begin analyzing their portfolio in seconds.
The next step is to set up a template and help you customize it so your prospects are impressed with the output.Then we'll generate your first StratiFi proposal which you can use in your next prospect meeting.
Never lose a prospect to a competitor again.
Cumulative $Assets Monitored
Portfolios Analyzed For Risk
Proposals & IPS Generated
Align client and investment goals with StratiFi's PRISM ratings, enhancing your business positively.
Align client and investment goals with StratiFi's PRISM ratings, enhancing your business positively.
Revolutionize your clients' investment approach with smarter analytics and empower them to make informed decisions for long term success